DX stations are invited to join the 3905 Century Club nets. After each contact, a QSL is requested, which may be either a card or electronic confirmation, such as LoTW or QRZ.
Prior to the official start time of our nets, the Net Control Station (NCS) takes check-ins on a first come, first served basis. At the start of a net, the NCS reads the preamble and then proceeds with additional check-ins. After this, the NCS reads the reminders and any announcements before directing stations to make their calls. The NCS will go through the list, allowing each individual time to call any other person on the net. The objective is to exchange signal reports and confirm the actual signal report received. The NCS will continue running through the check-in list repeatedly, permitting each check-in to make calls on each pass through the list while periodically taking additional check-ins until no one wishes to make further calls.
On the 75/80m band we transmit above 3.800 MHz usually around 3.909 MHz. For those stations in countries who cannot operate above 3.800 we will also be listening for you at around 3.795 MHz. You will need to operate split and listen for us on 3.909.
When it is your turn to make a call, you have three options:Outgoing QSL cards for DX contacts will be collected by the 3905 Century Club’s DX QSL Bureau and sent directly to the DX station. DX stations can contact AI4K at dxbureau@3905ccn.net to arrange QSL delivery methods. If you wish, AI4K can serve as your QSL manager for contacts made on the nets, handling the sending and receiving of QSL cards on your behalf. This service is provided at no cost to you. (Note: This is the Century Club’s own bureau, not the ARRL’s bureau.)
Need Help?If you need assistance or have questions, please contact us at info@3905ccn.org