
QSLs form the basis of the 3905 Century Club awards program. QSLs can be obtained through traditional methods or electronic confirmations. The Century Club does not mandate a specific medium.

Each award applicant must have a QSL for every contact listed on an award application. Electronic links to the confirmation and screenshots of a log are not acceptable.

Required information for QSLs:

  • Confirming operator’s call sign and location (US state, Canadian province, or DXCC Entity)

  • Contacted station’s call sign, including any DX modifiers

  • Date and time (UTC)

  • Radio band used

  • Communication mode (SSB, RTTY, PSK, CW)

For Mobile or Portable QSLs, also include:

  • Type of operation (Mobile or Portable)

  • Location of the operator

These are the minimum requirements for QSLs.

Add the following information if applicable:

  • Progressive award numbers

  • Officer or VIP positions

  • Wild duce numbers

  • Note if the net is an “early” or “late” net

  • Include National Park Name, Tripoints, High Points, Low Points, etc.

Ways to QSL:

Mail a card directly to the station Complete paper QSL card and mail it to worked station  
3905 Century Club QSL Bureau Complete paper QSL cards then send them in one envelope to the bureau
click image for example
Email directly to contact Send an e-mail containing required QSL information
click image for example
eQSL Matches your QSO to worked station QSO, produces QSL card image for matched QSO’s
click image for example
QRZ Matches your QSO to worked station QSO, produces page showing contact confirmed
click image for example
Logbook of The World Matches your QSO to worked station QSO, produces image showing contact confirmed
click image for example
ClubLog (DX Only) Matches your QSO to worked station QSO, produces page showing contact confirmed
click image for example
QRZCQ Matches your QSO to worked station QSO, images page showing contact confirmed
click image for example

There may be other ways. Check with your Area Awards Manager if you have questions.

QSL tools you may want to consider:

Quick QSL Web based, no installation required. Cards include mobile/portable statuses, award numbers and optionally VIP positions, etc. Option to e-mail cards and/or print cards to mail directly or via bureau.
Century Club Logger Comprehensive logbook management for Century Club nets and sends QSO info to eQSL, email QSL’s, and prints QSL cards
QSL Wizard Designs and prints QSL cards, prints QSL labels to use on your card, generate reports from you log
QSL Maker Makes printable QSL cards