3905 Century Club Net Schedules

This is the Standard Time Schedule This is the Daylight Saving Time Schedule
The “local” time/day shown is based on your computer's time zone setting
12:00 am Saturday means midnight between Friday and Saturday
Time Day Time Day Freq Net Coord Remarks (UTC)
SSB 00:00 00:00 Daily Daily 7.2675 40m SSB Early AA1NA Alt Freq: 7.243
03:00 02:00 Daily Daily 3.902 75m SSB Early WA9DIY Alt Freq: 3.898
04:00 04:00 Daily Daily 1.926 160m SSB Late K9GWS Net open Nov 12 thru Mar 9 (Zulu)
05:00 04:00 Daily Daily 7.188 40m SSB Late K4JEL Alt Freqs: 7.215
06:00 05:00 Daily Daily 3.909 75m SSB Late K4JEL Alt Freqs: 3.897,  3.895
07:00 06:00 Sun Sun 1.926 160m SSB Late Late KB0EL Net Open Nov 12 thru Mar 9 (Zulu)
17:00 17:00 Sat Sat 14.320 20m SSB Early K9GWS Alt Freq 14.285
19:00 19:00 Sun Sun 14.320 20m SSB Early K9GWS And Federal Holidays
CW 22:30 22:30 Fri 14.053 20m CW Net KM9U  
04:00 04:00 Sat 7.045 40m CW Late KM9U  
05:00 04:00 Sat 1.818 160m CW Late KM9U Thru March 7th
17:00 17:00 Sun 14.053 20m CW Early KM9U  
04:00 04:00 Sun 3.5475 80m CW Late KM9U  
02:00 02:00 Tue 7.045 40m CW Early KM9U  
02:00 03:00 Fri 3.5475 80m CW Early KM9U  
19:00 19:00 Sat 14.0680 20m PSK Early VE3CMB  
03:00 02:00 Wed 7.070 40m PSK Early AD5XD 1st & 3rd Wednesday
04:00 03:00 Thu 3.572 80m PSK Early AD5XD 1st & 3rd Thursday
21:00 21:00 Sat 14.084 20m RTTY Early VE3CMB  
03:00 02:00 Wed 7.084 40m RTTY Early AD5XD 2nd & 4th Wednesday
04:00 03:00 Thu 3.586 80m RTTY Early AD5XD 2nd & 4th Thursday
Changes are shown in red.
A ZULU/LOCAL Time Conversion Table is available if needed.
None of the above nets will run without an NCS.
Please consider stepping up to run a net if there is no NCS scheduled
or if the scheduled NCS doesn't appear at the scheduled time.
Generally speaking, any NCS is better than no NCS.
A list of our Volunteer QSL Bureau Managers & the bureaus they manage is in our Club Officers listing.

Helpful Hints

RTTY uses LSB with AFSK tones of 2125 Hz mark and 2295 Hz space (170 Hz shift), 45 baud (60 wpm).
If you use FSK, tune 2.125 kHz lower, equivalent to zero beating the mark tone of an AFSK station tuned to
the specified net frequency.  If you must use USB, then invert your AFSK tones and tune 4.250 kHz lower.

PSK31 uses USB and signals will be found at about 1500 Hz offset in the waterfall display.  NCS should turn off
AFC in his/her software.  Set your freqency to the net frequency and then fine tune with your mouse and waterfall
display.  Do NOT use DSP, or adjust RIT or your VFO after you check in.  BPSK modulation is recommended.

CW nets (all of them) are very accommodating and will adjust to your sending speed when contacting you so
DO NOT send faster than you can receive comfortably.  CW nets may conduct housekeeping transmissions,
such as those involving relay stations, at much faster speeds for the sake of economy.

Changes to the schedule above are made promptly when the Webmaster is directly
of a change by the Net Coordinator for the affected net or by the Club President.
Please direct all net schedule and net-related concerns to the relevant Net Coordinator!

Please note that Net Control Stations will do their best to start nets on published frequencies, but all nets are +/- QRM.  There are times that you will find the nets in operation +/- a few kHz of the scheduled frequency if the frequency was in use and not relinquished by net time, or due to broadcast interference or QRM.  If a net cannot operate on the scheduled frequency, NCS will first try any published alternate frequency before looking for another clear frequency. 

Ideally, if stations waiting on frequency for an NCS to appear don't hear one within a few minutes after the usual prelist/net start time, they should inquire on the net frequency to see if other stations are present.  If so and no NCS is present, someone should consider stepping forward and picking up NCS duty … otherwise there may be no net.  Generally speaking, any NCS is better than no NCS.